Dr. Laura Dreer is a tenured, Associate Professor with dual specialty as a medical rehabilitation psychologist and neuropsychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Her primary appointment is within the UAB Department Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, yet she also holds secondary appointments in the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychology, and Neurology. She has extensive expertise in developing, evaluating, delivering, and assessing the impact of medical psychological rehabilitation interventions, neuropsychological assessments, health behaviors, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) based health promotion programs. She completed dual fellowships in medical rehabilitation psychology (UAB) and in neuropsychology (Duke University Medical Center). In these positions and now as a tenured faculty member her clinical research efforts address complex issues confronting people with various chronic health conditions and injuries, neurological medical illnesses, along with issues facing their family caregivers. As a result of Dr. Dreer's expertise and leadership, Dr. Dreer developed and now serves as the Director of the UAB Behavioral Health Clinical Research Services that focuses on both clinical and research efforts across disabilities and age groups. She has conducted a successful, independently funded program of research on personal and familial adjustment to a variety of chronic medical conditions (traumatic brain injury: TBI; vision impairment). Her research program has also focused on the development and evaluation of evidence-based CBT-based health promotion and behavioral health approaches for patients and/or their family caregivers (e.g. to minimize depression; enhance knowledge; promote skills leading to healthy lifestyle behaviors; increase adherence to medications; foster resilience; promote healthy weight management, etc.). Dr. Dreer has independently secured extramural funding through various national and foundation-based organizations (e.g., the National Institute on Disability and Independent Living Rehabilitation Research [NIDILRR]; National Institutes of Health [NIH]; the EyeSight Foundation of Alabama (ESFA); the International Retinal Research Foundation [IRRF]; Research to Prevent Blindness [RPB], and the Brain Tumor Network [BTN] etc.). Dr. Dreer is well recognized for her national reputation in medical rehabilitation, neuropsychology, TBI, low vision rehabilitation, and other disability-related research. She is heavily involved as a PI and Co-Investigator on several RCT studies examining aspects related to health and disability and health outcomes. She has an excellent track record of adjustment to injury and disability related-research, clinical work, advocacy, and service, particularly among patients and families living with a TBI or vision-related impairment. Finally, Dr. Dreer has an independently funded patient-oriented research program and is heavily involved in team science based multidisciplinary research.
- Associate Professor (P)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Ophthalmology, 311600000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Oct 2006 - present
- Associate Professor (S)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Pediatric - Rehabilitation Medicine, 311654400, Birmingham, AL, United States15 Sep 2018 - present
- Assistant Professor (S)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Neurology, 311500000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 May 2007 - present
- Assistant Professor (S)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, College of Arts and Sciences - Psychology, 481600000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Oct 2011 - present
- Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, 310009600, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Aug 2009 - present
- Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Minority Health & Research Center, 310009200, Birmingham, AL, United States21 Sep 2021 - present
- Associate Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Optometry - Vision Science Research Center (Retired Org), 339201000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Feb 2008 - present
- Associate Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Comprehensive Diabetes Center, 310007900, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Mar 2013 - present
- Associate Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine, 392801000, Birmingham, AL, United States13 Aug 2013 - present
- Associate Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Health Professions - Nutrition Obesity Res Center (NORC), 352007010, Birmingham, AL, United States24 Feb 2014 - present
- Faculty CoordinatorThe University of Alabama at Birmingham, Office of the Provost, 210005000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Jul 2022 - present
- Associate Scientist (C)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Minority Health & Research Center, 310009200, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Oct 2007 - 20 Sep 2021
- Assistant Professor (P)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine - Ophthalmology, 311600000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Oct 2006 - 30 Sep 2014
- Assistant Professor (S)The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - Psychology (Retired Org), 465000000, Birmingham, AL, United States1 Oct 2006 - 30 Sep 2011
- Doctor of Philosophy, PSYCHOLOGYCentral Michigan University, N/A2 Jan 2002